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Why  Us

We Offer a Proven Turnkey Solution:

Each and every technology we use has a proven track record of saving our clients between 10% and 30% in their electricity bill, with routine payback periods of between 24 and 36 months.


Our Solution is Custom Designed:

To maximize your savings, we custom design a solution, utilizing any combination of our energy saving strategies that best fit your location’s unique sources of electrical consumption.


We Guarantee Savings:

We guarantee your savings in writing, after a thorough and in-depth assessment of your facility.


We Present Risk-Free Options:

You can gain immediate positive cash flow by taking advantage of our payment options, as your monthly saving exceeds your monthly payment.


Our Professional Installations:

Our licensed professionals install our proposed solutions in a non-intrusive manner, not interfering with the daily routines of your equipment or your staff.


We Employ Passive Solutions:

Our solutions are passive so that your staff does not have to become involved or undergo any special training or change of behavior.  Furthermore, they will not interrupt or alter existing operations.


We Monitor Results for Continued Satisfaction:

We evaluate the project’s performance and your return-on-investment and provide you with quarterly reports to assure your continued savings and satisfaction with the project.

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